
It is well-known and generally accepted that cow families and pedigrees are incredibly important, and sire selection usually makes up more than half of the equation in terms of genetic progress. The advantages of Crossbred animals is well documented as they generally have a higher fertility rate, increased calving rate, higher calf survival rate, increased longevity and higher lifetime productivity, as well as increased health.

Another advantage is the opportunity to capitalise on breed complementarity in matching the various strengths and weaknesses that complement each other and to take advantage of heterosis. The main advantage of crossbreeding is the impact on your net return and increased profitability, and Cloud 9 is actively promoting crossbreeding, diversification and sustainability.

Wagyu cattle have superior beef conversion and the ability to marble on both grain and pasture feeding. When crossed with other breeds Wagyu increases marbling, improves the quality grade and adds more consistency to carcass quality at affordable pricing. The cattle are genetically predisposed to have high levels of unsaturated fats.

The key to establishing a sound supply chain is growth and a focused approach to genetic selection for marbling. Better marbling genetics helps us improve meat quality, product nutritional profile, environmental sustainability and economic sustainability. However excessive inbreeding can lead to reduced reproductive and developmental efficiency.